rev-ID : -
Wikipedia: ar: fa: he: ur: yi
Wiktionary: yi:
bugzilla:04039 – BiDI: In TOC dir="ltr" should render as ‪ and dir="rtl" as ‫

Please compare the titles in the TOC and the section names!

  1. ‪the first is OK, "!" is at right end‬
  2. ‪the second is wrong; "!" should be at right end‬

follow the links ענדערן

‪Hello!‬ ענדערן

‪This header was generated with ‪Hello!‬.‬

‪This header was generated with <span dir="ltr" >Welcome!</span>.‬
bugzilla:04987 – "The "autocomment" link differs from the TOC link if <font ... /> or <font ...> ... </font> is used."
