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bugzilla:03860 – links generated with precombined characters show red despite the fact that the normalised links exist

new bug ענדערן

NEVER use š or š for s-caron.

[[project:bugzilla/03860/š|project:bugzilla/03860/š]] and [[project:bugzilla/03860/š|project:bugzilla/03860/š]] should generate a MediaWiki:Badtitle
it generates project:bugzilla/03860/%C2%9A

See: bugzilla:04038 – [[project:bugzilla/03860/š|project:bugzilla/03860/&amp#x9A;]] and [[project:bugzilla/03860/š|project:bugzilla/03860/&amp#154;]] should generate a MediaWiki:Badtitle